Student Life
The Center for Student Life and Leadership Development is an excellent resource center for students who have questions related to campus life at Skyline College or are interested in creating or participating in campus activities. Skyline student life include clubs, speakers, theatrical events, forums, publications, food drives, community outreach, and many other worthwhile and exciting student programs. The Center for Student Life and Leadership Development also serves as the facilitator for the annual Commencement Ceremony. For additional information, please visit the website for the Center for Student Life and Leadership Development:
Vending and Space Room Reservations: All student clubs and organizations, off-campus organizations, or vendors who want to facilitate a special event, hold a fundraising event on campus, or sell their product must make a space reservation at the Center for Student Life and Leadership Development by calling (650) 738-4275.
Vending Complaints and Refunds: All complaints regarding vendor service or malfunctioning vending machines should be reported to the Center for Student Life and Leadership Development. Refunds for lost funds are processed at the Center for Student Life and Leadership Development during regular business hours.
The Center for Student Life and Leadership Development staff have identified the following Student Learning Outcomes for the various services provided by the Center for Student Life and Leadership Development:
- The ASSC Governing Council will understand the College and District participatory governance processes.
- ASSC and SOCC members will understand Skyline College and SMCCCD event planning policies and procedures, and be able to create, facilitate and evaluate an effective campus event.
- ASSC members will understand Robert’s Rules of Order and parliamentary procedures and be capable of applying this basic knowledge to successfully run meetings.