Counseling Services
The Counseling Division at Skyline College is designed to assist individuals in all aspects of their development as students and help them accomplish their goals. Career and educational counseling are emphasized. A counselor can help students establish both short and long range goals and provide them with information about courses and programs that transfer to four-year colleges and universities. Counselors assist students in developing an individual Student Educational Plan (SEP), which maps out courses that will be taken over a number of semesters and serves as a guide to achieving goals. All students are required to have a comprehensive SEP on file once they have completed 15 units or 3 semesters at Skyline College. Assistance with students’ personal and social concerns is also available.
Counseling appointments are made through the Student Success Link (SSL). You can login to SSL through your student portal Step-by-step instructions on making an appointment are available on the district tutorials page.
The Counseling Services faculty has identified the following Student Learning Outcomes for the various services provided by Counseling Services:
- New students will be able to identify college resources, procedures and policies that support their academic success.
- Students will access, utilize and integrate counseling information & services from a variety of human print and electronic resources to develop and maintain dynamic educational and career plans.
- Demonstrate the ability to create interdependent relationships with peers, instructors, and counselors.
- Demonstrate the ability to express their educational and career goals with clarity and purpose when developing a Student Educational Plan.
- Students in collaboration with a counselor will develop, modify, and maintain a Student Educational Plan that is in alignment with their educational and career goals.
- Demonstrate the ability to utilize and synthesize computer-based research information into their overall educational goals.