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SPAN 120 Advanced Elementary Spanish

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Course Description

Continuation of Spanish 110, for students who can communicate in Spanish to discuss present events and narrate a simple story in the past. Students practice and develop further communicative competence in written and spoken Spanish for use in a variety of social and cultural contexts and settings. Cultural readings are used as the basis of classroom discussions. Cultural aspects of the Spanish-speaking-world are emphasized. The course is conducted primarily in Spanish and is equivalent to a second semester Spanish course at a four-year institution.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 80-90
  • Homework hours/semester: 160-180
  • Total Student Learning hours/semester: 240-270
Prerequisites: SPAN 110 or SPAN 112 or equivalent college-level course.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9C2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area C2), UC (IGETC Area 6A)
C-ID: SPAN 110