Course Description
Basic concepts underlying statistical methods and covers descriptive statistics, probability,
probability distributions, hypothesis testing, estimates and sample sizes, correlation
and regression, chi-square tests, and analysis of variance. Computer analysis of statistical
data is integrated into the course. Applications of statistics to business, life sciences
and other areas are included.
Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
- Lecture hours/semester: 64-72
- Homework hours/semester: 128-144
- Total Student Learning hours/semester: 192-216
Prerequisites: Intermediate Algebra or equivalent or pre-statistics or placement by college approved
multiple measures
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: 3b; Area 9A3
Transfer Credit:
(CSU GE Area B4), UC (IGETC Area 2A)
C-ID: MATH 110