Credit by Examination (CBE)

A currently enrolled student in good standing may be permitted to take a test for credit in lieu of a course, based on previous training or instruction. By completing an examination approved by the faculty of the appropriate division, credit will be recorded. Testing is not allowed for a course for which credit has previously been granted or if credit has been earned in a more advanced course in the same sequence. Credit by Examination may not be used in order to improve a grade already received for a course. A maximum of 12.0 units toward an Associate Degree or 6 units toward a certificate may be earned through Credit by Examination, however, it may not be counted in determining the 12.0 semester units in residence. The student’s academic record shall be annotated to reflect that credit was earned by examination. Credit by Examination can only be taken for a course once, regardless of outcome (Passed/Not-Passed of Letter Grade).

To pursue the Credit by Examination option, obtain a Credit by Examination form from Admissions and Records. Admissions and Records approves eligibility. The student must submit the approved form to the division offering the course. If the course is available using the Credit by Examination option, a faculty member will arrange for the examination(s) to be administered and graded. All grades issued upon completion of Credit by Examination will be used in the calculation of the student's grade point average and for determining scholarship awards.