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PHYS 114 Survey of Chemistry and Physics

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Course Description

A conceptual survey of physical science (physics and chemistry) intended for non-science majors at the General Education level. A general discussion of the scientific method and techniques will be followed by physics, chemistry, and integrated topics. The laboratory portion will cover a hands-on exploration of phenomena discussed in lecture. The physics component of the course will discuss motion, force, energy, electricity and magnetism, waves and light. The chemistry component of the course will focus on chemicals and reactions common in everyday life. Concepts relating to the nature and interactions of atoms, ions, and molecules will be presented. Students will also learn to use and evaluate information presented on product labels, in advertisement, and available through the internet. Also listed as CHEM 114.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: MATH 110 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5A, 5C)
C-ID: CHEM 140; PHYS 140