Smoking Policy

BP 2.27 Policy on Smoking and Tobacco Use 7/10; 5/14; 11/21 Government Code Sections 7596, 7597, 7598; Labor Code Section 6404.5; Title 8 Section 5148

It is the policy of San Mateo County Community College District to provide a safe and healthy learning and working environment for both students, employees, and visitors. In light of evidence that the use of tobacco and nicotine as well as exposure to secondhand smoke and aerosol (commonly referred to as “vapor”) from electronic smoking devices pose significant health and environmental hazards, the District has established a smoke, vapor, and tobacco-free environment.

Tobacco-free resources are available in the Health Center, located in Building 19, Room 19‑110, telephone number (650) 738‑4270 and on the Health and Wellness website.

  1. Smoking of any kind, including use of electronic devices, and all uses of tobacco are prohibited on all property and in all indoor and outdoor spaces owned, leased, licensed, or otherwise controlled by the District, and in all District-owned vehicles. Smoking of any plant, oils, or chemical product(s) is also prohibited.
  2. Definitions
    • “Smoking” means inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any lighted, heated, or ignited cigar, cigarette, cigarillo, pipe, hookah, electronic device, or any other device that delivers nicotine or other substances to a person.
    • “Tobacco Product” means any product containing, made, or derived from tobacco or nicotine that is intended for human consumption, whether smoked, heated, chewed, absorbed, dissolved, inhaled, snorted, sniffed, or ingested by any other means, including, but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, little cigars, chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco, snuff; and any electronic device that delivers nicotine or other substances to the person inhaling from the device, including, but not limited to, an electronic cigarette, electronic cigar, electronic pipe, or electronic hookah.
  3. District managers are responsible for publicizing the policy to students, employees and visitors, and are responsible for the posting of signs. International no smoking signs will be posted as appropriate. Notification about the policy on smoking will be included in employee and student publications, newsletters and in other written materials as appropriate. In addition, materials that are used to publicize District public events will include policy notification to the public.
  4. To assist in the implementation of this policy, the District will provide education and training in the areas of smoking dangers and smoking cessation.
  5. It is the responsibility of all students and employees to observe the policy and guidelines on smoking. Failure to comply with the policy on smoking will be treated in the same manner as other violations of District Rules and Regulations and may result in disciplinary action. Enforcement of this policy is outlined in Administrative Procedure 2.27.1. 6. The District’s employee housing program is not subject to this policy. However, the San Mateo College Educational Housing Corporation may adopt similar policies as it sees fit.

View BP 2.27: Policy on Smoking and Tobacco Use  

For additional information regarding the smoke-free policy, please contact the Vice President of Student Services at (650) 738-4333 or the Chief of Public Safety at (650) 738-7000.