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KINE 330 Introduction to Sports Psychology

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Course Description

Survey of current theoretical perspectives, research, and applications of theory and techniques specific to the field of sports psychology. Exploration of research as related to optimal performance in athletics and in life. Includes the history and foundations of sport and exercise psychology, the role of race/ethnicity, and gender in sport, personality, attribution and cognition, leadership, motivation, goal-setting, neuropsychology and physiology of arousal, attention, and psychological skills training. Also listed as PSYC 330.

Units: 3
Degree Credit
Grade Option (Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass)
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
  • Total Student Learning hours/semester: 144-162
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9D3, 9E1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area D; Area E1), UC (IGETC Area 4)