Program Overview

Prepares students who have completed a California approved cosmetology program or are licensed cosmetologists for licensing as an esthetician. The Cosmetology to Esthetician crossover program requires 300 hours of comprehensive training in skin care services. Courses in the Cosmetology to Esthetician Crossover program focuses on theoretical foundation, practical manipulative skills, business knowledge, client services, professional and ethical training, and preparation for licensure through the California State Board of Barbering and Cosmetology. Prepared with excellent entry-level skills, students are able to work in many facets of the skin care industry.

NOTE: This certificate is not transcripted and is not eligible for Financial Aid.

ADMISSIONS PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTS The Cosmetology to Esthetician crossover program requires the completion of a special application packet to be considered for admission as well as proof of training from a California Cosmetology program or a Valid California Cosmetology License. Admission applications are not considered for acceptance until all documents have been completed and received by the Office of Admissions and Records. For further information on the Cosmetology to Esthetician Crossover Program please visit the Cosmetology program website.

Program Requirements

Required Courses Units
ESTI 715 Cosmetology to Esthetician Crossover I 6 units
ESTI 720 Cosmetology to Esthetician Crossover II 6 units
ESTI 725 State Board Written Exam Preparation - Esthetics 3 units
Total Required Units: 15